Biofeedback scan is a full body scan that picks up any abnormalities in energy with each of your body systems.
For example:
- Allergies
- Sensitivities
- Major organ malfunction
- Heavy metals
- Vitamin and coenzyme deficiencies
- Thyroid and Immune system functions
- Gastrointestinal malfunction
- Reproductive malfunctions
- Chakra imbalance
- Bone and muscle conditions
and more.

HeartMath teaches you how to take control back over your Central Nervous System and teaches you how to lower your cortisol levels with specific breathing techniques and games that will train you to recognize when you are in a heightened state and allow you to take control and bring yourself back to mind/heart coherence. HeartMath is good for anyone who is dealing with depression, anxiety, chronic fatigue, PTSD, ADHD and more.

Circle of Care also offers in home PSW and Nursing Services. Please reach out to us to discuss your specific needs and location. You can book an initial intake online as well.

Nicole Bender