Nurturing Health through Nature's Wisdom

Committed to empowering your wellness journey with trusted alternative healing



                             Respect                                   Compassion                                           Dignity   


 Circle of Care staff strive to take a holistic approach to all care provided. We listen to what your concerns are and work with you to achieve optimal health and well-being. We believe in getting down to the root cause of a problem and not just dealing with symptoms. We take a compassionate approach and are sensitive to the needs of our clients. Our goal is not to do everything for you. We will empower you to take control where you can, and assist where you cant. We aim to meet you at your level and work with you to achieve your end goal. With a holistic approach, we look at the entire person. Assessing their phyiscal, mental, emotional, social and spiritual health allows us to ensure all areas are in balance. We work with other professionals involved to advocate for our clients and ensure that their voice is heard.  

Nicole Bender


Alternative Healing

Hi! My name is Nicole and I have worked in the healthcare field for 15 years. I have spent most of that time working with individuals in their homes.

In my spare time when I am not busy with my family, I like to dive into a book or watch a new Netflix series. I am a life long learner and am currently working on my PhD.

I also spend my summers volunteering to coach children’s soccer. As a mom, I fully support children being active and can stand behind that!

How we got Started

Our clinic was born out of a shared passion among a group of healthcare professionals who recognized the need for a holistic and client - centered approach to wellness, leading us to join forces and establish a place where comprehensive care and compassion converge.


Nurturing Health, Promoting Wellness

At Circle of Care, every client is a part of our health-conscious family. We value your well-being, embracing alternative healing to provide comprehensive, personalised care that is as unique as you are.

Let's Start Your Wellness Journey

We're here to listen, learn and help

Start by booking an appointment using our online booking page - it's quick and easy. If you have any questions, visit our contact page for more information. Alternatively, you can fill out the contact form below and we'll get back to you as soon as we can.